Abnormal Security


Product Detail

Abnormal Security

Advanced email protection to prevent credential phishing, business email compromise, account takeover, and more.

Added on 25-09-2023
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Abnormal offers advanced email protection against various threats such as credential phishing, business email compromise, account takeover, and more. The platform uses a cloud-native, API-based architecture and an AI-based behavioral anomaly detection system to prevent known and emerging attacks.

Key Features

  • Inbound Email Security: Blocks targeted inbound email attacks including credential phishing, business email compromise, supply chain fraud, and more.
  • Email Account Takeover: Stops account takeovers, attacks via third-party applications, and other platform threats.
  • Email Security Posture Management: Alerts on high-risk configuration changes to users, apps, and mail tenants.
  • Email Security Operations: Fully automates triage and remediation of user-reported emails.

Additional Benefits

  • Easy Installation: Installs in seconds with no tuning, setup, or operational overhead.
  • Multi-Channel Protection: Protects internal email, email accounts, and email infrastructure. Extends to email-like channels including Slack, Microsoft Teams, and Zoom.
  • Cost-Effective: Eliminates redundant secure email gateway costs and optimizes resources.

Use Cases

Abnormal has been trusted by global enterprises and is used by more than 10% of the Fortune 500. Users have reported a significant drop in business email compromise, invoice order fraud, and other email attacks. This has allowed organizations to be more proactive about security.

A Fortune 200 asset management company used Abnormal to protect its employees and customers from cyber attacks, reducing risk, gaining visibility, and securing user identity.

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